Copy Files to Alibaba
Citrix ShareFile is a secure file-sharing and transfer service that's built for business. GS RichCopy 360 Enterprise integrates seamlessly with ShareFile to ease up the migration to or from ShareFile as well as serve as a backup tool.
Organizations using MFA or 2FA would need to generate an application password from ShareFile portal to bypass the multi-factor authentication. The above video provides a full walk-through on how to generate application-specific password from the ShareFile portal.
GS RichCopy 360 Enterprise also offers the option to copy from ShareFile to On-prem or to another cloud provider if so is desired.
How To Transfer Your Files From Local Drive To Alibaba Cloud
1) Open the program , select Jobs (1) then choose “Create New Job” (2)
2) Choose “No, Choose this option for cloud storage, TCP Copy or advanced options” (1) , then click “Finish” (2)
3) Name the job (1) , Source type “Local/Drive/Network”(2), click “Select Folder”(3) , Browse and choose your folders/files (4),then choose “OK” (5)
4) From Destination type, choose “S3 Compatible Storage” (1)
5) Choose “Add new”(1) to add the Alibaba Cloudaccount , write any name for this account (2) , enter the S3 access key (3), enter the S3 secret key (4),enter the endpoint Url (5) , then click “Save” (6)
6) Click “Select Folder”(1) , choose the destination folder (2), click “OK”(3), then click “Save”(4)
7) Your job will be created as below, Right Click on the job and then choose “Start Selected Job” (1) to run the job